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Rent Control Consultants, Inc. can streamline your monthly rent control processing and drastically reduce the time you spend dealing with rent control. Not only can we streamline your process, we can also increase your accuracy. We offer more than 30 years of experience processing D.C. rent control records.

As software developers, we have developed the ONLY software that is an "Expert" in D.C. rent control law. Our product is called "Rent Control Compliance" (RCC). As consultants we can analyze/audit your rent control records to ensure that you are in compliance with the latest D.C. rent control law.

If your office has no or little experience with the law, or you do not have the time to actively manage your rent control filings, then Outsource your Rent Control processing to us! We have a unique process that allows your property managers to stay on top of Rent Control instead of getting buried below it!

Expert Features/Reports:
  • Vacancies/Rent Quotes: Under the law, you can increase the rent charged of a unit upon a tenant vacancy. You are allowed a 10% Vacancy Increase for a new move-in if the previous tenant occupied the unit for 10 years or less; and 20% if the previous tenant occupied the unit for more than 10 years. When using RCC, you would enter the Vacancy Date, Move In date, and whether the previous tenant had occupied the unit for more than 10 years. The software will then calculate the maximum rent allowed for that specific unit. The software is also programmed to not allow more than one Vacancy Increase in any 12-month period.
  • Annual CPI : Every year the District publishes a Consumer Price Index percentage that can be used to increase a unit's rent charged. Once this percentage is known, we can input that percentage into RCC and apply a CPI Based increase to all tenants who qualify. Qualifying units are units that have not had a rent charged increase within one year. After applying the CPI Based rent charged increase to qualifying units, all Rent Histories are updated. We then produce rent increase notices based on the CPI increases.
  • Disclosure Of Basis Of Rent Charged:Any time you move in a tenant, you must produce a Disclosure of Basis of Rent Charged form that shows the last three years of rent charged increases. You are required to provide this to the tenant within 15 days of move-in. You are also required to produce this form within 10 days if an existing tenant asks you for one.
  • Applicant Disclosure Form: Under the law, whenever a prospective tenant applies for a unit, you must provide them with a disclosure form. The disclosure form is an extensive disclosure of information by the housing provider to the tenant. RCC will merge all appropriate data into the form automatically.
  • Certificate of Notice to RAD of Adjustments in Rent Charged: Anytime a change in rent charged is made it must be perfected by filing this certificate. RCC produces and files these certificates for you and provides you with a date stamped version for your records.

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