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Contact Us:

Rent Control Consultants, Inc.
60 Market Street, Suite 211
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Kimberly Herrington
Phone: 240-361-6161 x105

24x7 Technical Support:
Gene Santomartino
Phone: 240-361-6161 x102
Cell: 202-489-8989
Terri Stachura
Phone: 240-361-6161 x107

General Processing/Support:
Ben Holt
Phone: 240-361-6161 x103
John K. Hoskinson
Phone: 202-879-2922
Cell: 202-437-2542

Note: Our email format is each person's first name followed by "@rentcontrolconsultants.com".


NOTE - GPS may show our office location incorrectly, so be sure to refer to these directions, just in case!
  • From Washington DC take 270 North
  • Stay to the right in the Local lanes marked Montrose Road
  • Take the I-370 W Exit 9B and stay to the Left toward Sam Eig Highway-West
  • Merge onto Sam Eig Highway
  • When you come a "T" take right turnoff and merge onto Great Seneca Highway
  • Go to the third light and make a left onto Kentlands Boulevard
  • When you come to the 1st roundabout take the 1st right onto Market Street ("Noodles & Company" on the right)
  • After the turn, we are in the 2 story building straight ahead on the right
  • The entrance to the 2nd floor is around the corner, black awning and says "Kentlands Place Professional Suites"

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